
Fortunately for me, my parents fostered my early passion for all kinds of art, from dragging me through every major art museum on the East Coast (I think that’s considered child torture in some countries) to supplying me with all sorts of materials to practice my “craft” at home: pencils, sketchbooks, construction paper (in all the very basic colors that were available at time, which I think totaled 7), tempura, oil, acrylic, modeling clay, markers of all sorts, and so on and so forth…

In college I stepped up and started contributing a regular single panel cartoon to NC State’s thrice-weekly newspaper, The Technician. I then got asked to take over as Graphic Editor, and so had to start illustrating stories, s well as producing 3 editorial cartoons per week on whatever the state of the world had devolved itself into (I hate ending a sentence with a preposition, but there you are). And his was all before anything digital existed, so everything by hand, the good old way…

You can find all of that under College Artwork.

While I continued to randomly sketch (no, not on walls of public restrooms), I was consumed with earning a living, so little time for creativity… that is until our corporate Creative Director abruptly departed one day, and I was handed yet another hat.

And this WAS in the era when computer graphics were coming into the fore, so I had to learn the available programs in quick time. I was producing signage, advertisements, company logos, photographing products for packaging, even stickers for vehicles sold through the corporate car dealerships.

So, since I HAD to learn graphics software, I got some of my own and started honing my skills (that might be to ambitious.. perhaps not creating consistent dreck).

Since that time I’ve had my own (very) small graphics company, producing the odd and occasional art for friends, as well as producing websites (back when you had to write CODE, not just drag and drop… you young kids and your rock’n’roll…).

This quickly became a tool for my primary passion – HERALDRY!! And I still do all of that to this day.

So check the links to some of my various “facets” and chortle with amusement…

Oh, for even MORE!!! Check out the following other sites of mine:

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