Personal Armorial Registrations

Over the decades I have Registered my personal Armorial Bearings with a number of international organizations, primarily to help spread the thriving topic of heraldry in the United States, but also to promote the work of The American College of Heraldry. Thus, below are listed said Registrations in chronological order:


The Armorial Bearings of H.E. David Robert Wooten were Registered with The American College of Heraldry, 6th November 1992 under Number 1073:

Azure, fretty raguly Or. Above the Shield is placed a Helmet with a Mantling Azure doubled Or, and on a Wreath Or and Azure is set for Crest, a satyr’s head Sanguine, wreathed with olive leaves Proper, with bat’s wings to the sides Azure, and in an Escrol below the Shield this Motto: “Melior Nullo Nullus Melior” (I am better than no man, but no man is my better).


The Armorial Bearings received in a Certificacion de Armas from the Cronista Rey de Armas under Protocolo:3/1995; Folios:149-151, and Confirmed by the Ministerio de Justicia, Madrid, Kingdom of Spain:

En campo de azur (azul), una celosía ecotada, de oro. Va timbrado el escudo de armas de un casco de acero bruñido, con bordura y grilletas de oro, claveteado de lo mismo, forrado de gules (rojo), sumado de un burelete trenzado de azur (azul) y oro del que salen lambrequines de los mismos esmaltes y sumado a su vez de una cabeza de satiro, sanguino, barbado al natural, orejado con alas de murciélago, de azur (azul) y sumado de una corona de hojas de olivo, de sinople (verde). Divisa: En cinta de plata con letras de sable (negro): “MELIOR NULLO NULLUS MELIOR”


The Armorial Bearings were Registered by the St. Andrew Principal Herald Master of the Collegium Heraldicum Russiae (The Russian College of Heraldry) under Number 167:

Всем и каждому чрез сию Гербовую Грамоту да будет известно и ведомо, что Русская Геральдическая Коллегия внесла в свой Гербовый Матрикул сей герб, владельцем коего является, Кавалер Дэвид Роберт Вутен А именно: В лазуревом щите золотая косая сучковатая решетка (фрет). Щит увенчан рыцарским шлемом с лазуревым намётом, подбитым золотом. Клейнод: на ливрейном бурелете голова сатира с оливковым венком и лазуревыми перепончатыми крыльями от висков. Девиз на ленте внизу: Melior Nullo Nullus Melior – «Я не лучше других, но и никто не лучше меня». Дано в Москве 9-го июля 1994 г. под номером 167. Командор Кавалер Валерий Павлович Егоров, Герольдмейстер Принципал, Св. Андрея Первозванного, РГК


The Armorial Bearings were Registered with Burke’s International Register of Arms, 29th January 2006. Registration No. 0009:

Azure, fretty raguly Or. Above the Shield is placed a Helmet with a Mantling Azure doubled Or, and on a Wreath Or and Azure is set for Crest, a satyr’s head Sanguine, wreathed with olive leaves Proper, with bat’s wings to the sides Azure, and in an Escrol below the Shield this Motto: “Melior Nullo Nullus Melior” (I am better than no man, but no man is my better).


The Armorial Bearings were Registered with the Deutsches Erbe Wappenrolle, reg. no. 2334, 18th February 2023:

Azure, fretty raguly Or. Above the Shield is placed a Helmet with a Mantling Azure doubled Or, and on a Wreath Or and Azure is set for Crest, a satyr’s head Sanguine, wreathed with olive leaves Proper, with bat’s wings to the sides Azure, and in an Escrol below the Shield this Motto: “Melior Nullo Nullus Melior” (I am better than no man, but no man is my better).


The Armorial Bearings and personal Badge were Registered with the online Roll of Arms under GreiiN:354, 2024:

ESCUTCHEON: Azure, fretty raguly Or; Crest: A satyr’s head Sanguine, wreathed with olive leaves Proper, with bat’s wings to the sides Azure; Mantling: Azure doubled Or; Motto: “Melior Nullo Nullus Melior.” BADGE: Argent, a Temminck’s Pangolin [Smutsia temminckii] intortant proper, within a broad circular scroll Azure, fimbriated Or, with the motto “Melior Nullo Nullus Melior” inscribed upon it around. All placed on an olive wreath Vert and ensigned above with an American coronet proper of eight mullets, five visible, alternate Argent and Or. SYMBOLISM: The fretty raguly alludes to the armigers mother’s side of the family, and it represents (at least to the Armiger) complexity in simplicity. The satyr in the crest is similar (albeit slightly modified) to one used by a similarly-named but distant family line out of Kent. 


The Armorial Bearings and personal Badge were Registered with the online Society of American Armigers under AA0149 on 19 June 2024:

Arms: Azure, fretty raguly Or; Crest: A satyr’s head Sanguine, wreathed with olive leaves Proper, with bat’s wings to the sides Azure; Motto: Melior Nullo Nullus Melior (I am better than no man, but no man is my better); Badge: Argent, a Temminck’s Pangolin [Smutsia temminckii] intortant proper, within a broad circular scroll Azure, fimbriated Or, with the motto Melior Nullo Nullus Melior inscribed upon it around. All placed on an olive wreath Vert and ensigned above with an American coronet proper of eight mullets, five visible, alternate Argent and Or. Design Rationale: SYMBOLISM: The fretty raguly alludes to the armigers mother’s side of the family, and it represents (at least to the Armiger) complexity in simplicity. The satyr in the crest is similar (albeit slightly modified) to one used by a similarly-named but distant family line out of Kent.


The Armorial Bearings were Registered with the New England Historic Genealogical Society Committee on Heraldry as certified to the Armiger by the Cronista Rey de Armas of the Kingdom of Spain on 16 March 1995 in their meeting of 16 July 2024.

The arms are blazoned in Committee records as follows – Arms: Azure fretty raguly gold. Crest: A satyr’s head sanguine, bearded proper, eared with bat’s wings azure, about the temples a wreath of olive vert.

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