Various & Sundried Artwork

Believe it or not, people actually PAID me to develop graphics for them!!! It may have been political, family, corporate, or even just for products for my own CAFEPRESS SHOP (you should really click that link if you want to see meeeeeelions of items with thousands of my designs).

So, this gallery is but a small sampling of what I’ve put together over the decades. No, it’s not Rembrandt, but he’s dead, and I’m not (yet… I think).

Oh, and did I mention I produced a hella’ton of posters and t-shirt design for the Charleston Molly Darcy’s (now, sadly, gone)?

And while you’re here, check the links (under the ARTWORK tab above) to some of my various “facets” and chortle with amusement…

Oh, for even MORE!!!, check out the other sites of mine displaying graphics at the bottom of the page…

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